What programming language should I learn?
It is virtually impossible to be a universal IT-specialist. Therefore, first of all it is necessary to choose a programming language. Perhaps the decisive factor will be a certain goal in relation to the direction of activity. A lot of newbies today choose web programming. Modern companies increasingly need specialists to meet the needs of business. The same requires the development of information technology, for they are more and more included in all spheres of life.
Newcomers choosing a programming language, often put a salary in the first place. For example, a specialist in C# at different levels earns $600 to $3200, a connoisseur of PHP $450-3000, and Ruby – $700-3500. The list of specialties, of course, is much larger, the range of profits is also. That’s why the finances of an IT guy are a reflection of his efforts.
The best are those who have an analytical mind, developed logic, a good memory, and a desire to gain new experience. You should not disregard the experience of masters – take from them everything that fits in your head. Find this information is easy – it’s around, because the Internet is everywhere.
Personal experience of many successful programmers shows: the secret of success is only one – you need to do what is really interesting and fun.
Ideally, you should have the easiest programming language that will help you earn a high salary. You want to choose one that is very popular, which ensures that there are plenty of job openings in that field. Some programming languages come and go, while others have stood the test of time. Therefore, you must learn to write code in a language that will continue to be in demand in the future. Finally, choose a programming language that feels good to work with. Just watch a basic programming example in several languages, and then learn the syntax that is used for each piece of code.
Here are the best programming languages at the moment.
- JavaScript is the most popular language for web applications. It has many full-featured frameworks that allow programmers to create complex programs without sacrificing efficiency. Choose this programming language if you want to learn how to build interactive web projects.
- Java may look like JavaScript, but it’s a very different programming language. It uses Java Virtual Machines (JVMs), and this allows its code to run beautifully on a wide variety of hardware devices. This programming language is widely used by many Fortune 500 companies, so people who learn it are guaranteed to get good paying jobs.
- If you are interested in learning a general-purpose programming language that can create both desktop software and web applications, Python may be the perfect solution. This language is used by many large companies, and its simplicity makes it really easy to learn. Many developers have created powerful web development frameworks that make working with Python easy.
- C++ is a very powerful programming language that can create applications that run very fast. It is an ideal task for high-performance desktop software. It’s not easy to learn, but it has always been one of the top three most in-demand programming languages.
- Ruby is very popular among novice programmers, mainly because of its ease of use. As you might guess, it’s a high-level language, and that reduces its speed. Nevertheless, many people are learning it as their first programming language, and it’s a great idea.