Open Source: Features and Benefits

Open Source: Features and Benefits

Breaking the myths about Open Source products

The notion of Open Source (or open source code) became a part of developers’ life long ago, but common users are still confused sometimes: lack of understanding leads not only to myths but also to fear to trust open solutions to their company (they say, no one gives any guarantees there!). It is time to get out of the deadlock of ignorance and finally understand the features and benefits of open source projects.

An open source project is NOT a completely open project that anyone can just walk into

Open Source: Features and Benefits

Yes, any enthusiastic student from the nearest radio engineering college can write the code, even your neighbor Tom, if he has enough knowledge.

But first of all, the source code is only one component of any project, an important one, but not the only one. For a project to be called open, and for any community member to contribute to its development, there must also be free access to other project components (software documentation, test suite, etc.) – as well as a clearly defined workflow and clear communication between all participants. Only then can they work for the benefit of the project without causing chaos and confusion.

Second, written code doesn’t mean accepted into the work. A good example: if you write your own script and send it to a filmmaker/publisher, it doesn’t mean that everyone will immediately rush to make a movie or publish a book based on what you wrote (and too bad:). It’s the same with code: in order to get it into a major project, it has to be really good and well tested.

An open source project is a team effort by many people, and none of them will easily destroy the result of their work. Any comments, suggestions and changes will be repeatedly checked, tested and improved, and only if the code passes all the tests and checks, it will be accepted.

On the basis of the open source projects, commercial solutions are actively developed, which may include closed components

And it is the closed functionality that adds value to each particular product developed from the same open source project.

An open source project does NOT equal a completely free project

It is important to understand that the cost of the software itself is not the only cost associated with using it. Once an open source product is obtained, it needs to be installed, configured and deployed like any other software, taking into account the specifics of each user/company. It is also important to train users on how to use it – and, if necessary, provide ongoing technical support.

Hence the next point:

Open solutions are available tech support.

Prompt, competent technical support is a key point for any company whose work is based on different types of software, from operating systems on the computers of its employees to hosting and CRM. And in this respect, open-source projects are just as good as their proprietary (private) and commercial counterparts. If an open source project is large, it can be supported by both the development community and commercial companies. The latter, if you want, can easily finalize the project and implement the functionality you need, because the code is open.

So ERP-system Odoo is an example of open source software. Our company provides full technical support to our clients and, if necessary, develops new solutions based on the original project.

Odoo is an open source system

Open source projects are as safe as their proprietary equivalents

What do users fear the most when working with any software?

Hacker attacks and data leakage. That is why it is psychologically easier to trust a closed system: the code is closed to outsiders, there is a specific team of developers working on the project, which means that it is virtually impossible to introduce malicious code. An open system is another matter – but anyone can break in there!

Let’s put aside fears and speculation-let’s remember again all that we talked about above:

  1. It’s not enough to write code. To be included in the project, it has to be the best.
  2. there are far fewer enthusiastic programmers working on a project just for the idea than you think. More often than not, professional developers work on open-source projects, or even entire departments of companies whose names are familiar to everyone. They actively use open source solutions for their own quite commercial projects – and any security breaches in the original projects directly harm not only their reputation but also their profits. Therefore, believe me, they are just as interested in high quality and security of open source solutions as you, the end users.

And what if there is an attack? Alas, no one is safe from that – you must have read the news about hacker attacks on banks and government agencies in different countries, and they are more concerned than anyone else about the security of the software they use. So, a specific company/team of developers is working on a closed project. They, and only they, will solve any problems that arise. An open source project is overseen by a community of developers at different levels, including many professionals.

The quality of open source software is always high

Some people unknowingly think that the quality of open-source projects leaves much to be desired (just because anyone can write code for them) – but it’s very easy to prove the opposite:

  1. We wrote above that the whole development process is transparent, a community of people works on the project, which means that poor quality code will be seen by other participants. Not only they will see it, but they will analyze it, criticize it and send it back for revision. If the bad work is repeated, a person or a company can simply lose their trust and reputation. And in our field they value their reputations.
  2. The companies, which develop commercial products based on open source solutions, are seriously interested in the quality of the code of open source projects – that is why they fix all the found problems during the testing and use (and try to make sure that all the changes are included into the main code) and also work on improving it. So we, working with Odoo, are constantly testing all the updates and extensions and, if necessary, promptly report on the bugs found.

We tried to show that one shouldn’t be afraid of open-source projects. The level of quality and security they are not inferior to closed systems, and even have a number of advantages over them. So our advice is simple: don’t be afraid to trust them.